HIIT Workouts

Weekly HIIT Workout: Jump-man

Here is a great HIIT workout for you to get that heart rate up. These quick movements and footwork will help with speed, agility, and endurance! 45-Seconds of Work/15-Seconds of Rest 3 Rounds -2 Squat Jumps and 10 High Knees -2 Lunge Jumps and 10 Jumping Jacks -2 Burpees and 20 Scissor Jumps

HIIT Workouts

Weekly HIIT Workout: Run The Plank

Run The Plank  get your cardio and core in all at the same time!   3-minute run moderate pace  1-minute plank 1-minute run (fast pace) 45-second side plank dips (1 side) 1-minute run (fast pace) 45-second side plank (other side) 3-minute run (moderate speed)   Running can be done on the treadmill or outside!