Healthy & Happy Life

Common Winter Feelings

I grew up on the east coast, but now I live on the west coast. THANK GOODNESS! I would rather live life without the below zero temps and snow. I was never really into the winter sports/games/etc… What can I say, I’m a cancer, I need the ocean, the sun, and the warmth.

Regardless of where you live, there is a major shift in how we feel during the winter months, especially for those in colder locations. The holidays come and go, the days get shorter, and the lack of sunshine can change our moods. Seasonal depression or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a very real thing. Always make sure to discuss how you are feeling with your doctor!

SAD is commonly confused with depression because the symptoms are similar but SAD happens around the same time everywhere. When the seasons change. SAD symptoms are more commonly noticeable in colder/darker locations but none the less can still impact even folks living in a sunnier location.

I’ll be the first to admit, during the colder months I’m less motivated to workout, I want to sleep in, and I just feel less social. Now this is no concern and isn’t necessarily SAD however, we still need to pay attention to how we feel. It is very common to have a few changes in how you feel during different times of the year. Of course, the stress of the holidays don’t help.

Some common SAD symptoms include:

Feeling depressed, irritable, difficulty sleeping, sleeping too much, weight gain, changes in appetite, isolation, feeling hopeless, social withdrawals, anxiety, feeling sluggish, losing interest in activities you use to enjoy, feeling agitated, and difficulties concentrating.

Why do we feel this way?

  • Reduced sunlight affects our body’s circadian rhythm (our internal clocks) which can lead to depression
  • Lack of sunlight exposure can also affect our serotonin levels which affects our moods greatly.
  • Disruptions in melatonin can affect our sleeping patterns, and eventually affects our moods.

If you feel any of the above feelings I recommend you talk to your doctor about them. If you are just feeling a little “winter time off-ness” like me, I suggest you plan out your weeks to kick start a healthy routine. I find, eating healthy and still staying active has helped me get through the winter slump.

Plan out what workouts you will do and when each day of the week. Also plan out your meals and what you’ll be having. This will not only save you money but lots of time to prep for your holidays. Go into winter with a plan to succeed rather than feeling tired, unmotivated, and unprepared for bikini summer season. Remember, winter is only temporary.

Simple tips to stay on top of your seasonal mood:

  • Make an effort to get outdoor sunlight for at least one hour a day
  • Try to make an effort to keep your social life
  • Keep active even if it’s cold out!
  • Stick to a good sleep routine (and try not to hit the snooze)

Although the above tips can seem a bit harder in the winter months, do your best. Simple planning can help to achieve the above things. If doing these things don’t work, consult your doctor!

Above all, be kind to yourself. Our lifestyle changes dramatically in the winter months between shoveling snow, having a busy schedule, and stress with the holidays coming up can really affect our moods and it’s okay to feel those feels. All we can do is our best! If you aren’t as productive with your health and fitness during the winter months it’s okay, just try to take it one day at a time and remember, summer isn’t far off…

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